Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hottie of the Moment....

Hey guys, Jenn here. Lexy and Kylie are still in NYC and London (Ontario) so they won't be updating for about another week! You've got me now. woohoo.
So anyways, back to business, we've got a new Seg. called "Hottie of the Moment" AKA "HOTM". This month's Hottie is a guy I've been crazy about for the past two weeks.

Logan Lerman, ladies.
Cutie, isn't he?

If I could pick the perfect Cam Fisher for The Clique Movie, it'd be this guy.

Did you Know...?
- At the age of twelve, on the set of Jack and Bobby, he had one of his very first kisses with a twenty year old woman?!

- He has been singled out for his role in 3;10 to yuma

- There is a very good chance he's still single :)

- recently filmed Bill with Jessica Alba

- I've officially claimed him :)

that's all for now!

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